Brand Strategy Consultant
Tagessatz: sichtbar für Mitglieder
Verfügbarkeit: sichtbar für Mitglieder
Reisebereitschaft: Auf Anfrage
Beruflicher Status: Freelancer
Beratungserfahrung: 11 Jahr/-re
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch,
Zur Person
Since 2011, I've worked with a diverse portfolio of clients and brands, which has given me valuable insight into a wide range of industries and access to various projects and assignments.
MY SERVICES AREAS: Brand Development: My work centers on structured brand development, including new brands and repositioning existing ones. I offer services across the entire brand development spectrum: Brand Analysis // Brand Positioning // Brand Architecture // Brand Manifestation // Internal Brand Guidance // Brand Touchpoint Development // Employer Branding // Consulting & Project Management: To do my job well, I must acquire extensive knowledge about the brand. So it makes sense to stay on board when moving from strategy to implementation. Therefore, I accompany my clients throughout the development and implementation phases as consultant and project manager. Insight Generation & Presentation: Our world is rapidly changing. So are the demands on brands. Together with my clients, I look at all kinds of brand-specific topics, derive conclusions, and define actions to meet future challenges. Equally important is the ability to inspire clients, colleagues, and bosses with specific topics. That is why I help my clients effectively showcase their research in a compelling and visually appealing way. FYI: I'm a Brand Strategy Consultant, but SEO also likes to call me Brand Strategist, Creative Strategist, Brand Manager, Branding Expert, Markenstratege, Markenberater, or Kommunikationsberater.
Persönliche Daten
Nationalität: deutsch
Arbeitserlaubnis: Europäische Union,
Sicherheitsüberprüfung: k.A.
Berufserfahrung: 16 Jahr/-re