
Experienced Business Development | Pharmaceuticals | Medtech | Digital Health

Experienced Business Development | Pharmaceuticals | Medtech | Digital Health

Reisebereitschaft: Weltweit

Beruflicher Status: Unternehmer

Beratungserfahrung: 10 Jahr/-re

Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch,

  Zur Person

Ein dynamischer Vertriebs- und Marketing-Manager mit fundiertem Branchenwissen und umfangreichen Netzwerken in den Regionen EMEA, USA und Asien-Pazifik. Ich habe eine nachgewiesene Erfolgsbilanz in der Führung von verteilten Teams und der Steigerung des Verkaufswachstums, indem ich erfolgreich Verantwortlichkeiten von bis zu 18 Millionen US-Dollar übernommen habe. Meine Erfahrung im Vertrieb, Marketing, Geschäftsentwicklung, Produktmanagement, interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit und Projektmanagement erstreckt sich auf die Bereiche Pharmazie, Medizintechnik und digitale Gesundheit. Ich bin bekannt für meine Fähigkeit, mich schnell anzupassen und mein Wissen und meine Expertise anzuwenden, und ich liefere kontinuierlich außergewöhnlichen Mehrwert. A dynamic sales and marketing executive with a strong industry background and extensive networks throughout the EMEA, US, and Asia Pacific regions. I have a proven track record in managing distributed teams and driving sales growth, having successfully managed responsibilities of up to $18 million. My experience in sales, marketing, business development, product management, cross-functional collaboration, and project management spans across pharmaceutical, medical technology, and digital health sectors. I am known for my ability to quickly adapt and apply my knowledge and expertise, and I consistently deliver exceptional value.


Sales and Marketing Leadership: I have a strong background in sales and marketing, with a proven track record of driving sales growth and managing distributed teams. I have successfully managed responsibilities of up to $18 million and have extensive networks in the EMEA, US, and Asia Pacific regions. Industry Expertise: My experience spans across multiple sectors, including pharmaceuticals, medical technology, and digital health. I possess in-depth knowledge of these industries and understand the challenges and trends that impact them. Business Development and Product Management: I have demonstrated expertise in business development, product management, and brand strategies. I have formulated and executed strategies for market positioning, go-to-market plans, product messaging, and pricing. I have also been involved in product launches and lifecycle management. Cross-functional Collaboration: I have a strong ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders. I have worked closely with distributors, hospitals, clinics, key opinion leaders (KOLs), and customers to develop business opportunities, establish partnerships, and ensure effective market representation. Project Management: I have experience in project management, including lean management methodologies, which have improved marketing processes and resulted in greater efficiency and effectiveness. I have successfully led projects in corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, and emerging market analysis. Market Research and Analysis: My skillset includes market research and analysis to identify market requirements, assess competitive landscapes, and develop business cases for new products. I have also been involved in regulatory and pricing strategy across different markets.


Business Plan 10 Produktmanagement 15 Business Development 13 + weitere Kompetenzen


Life Sciences 23 High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie 12 Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau 10






Persönliche Daten

Nationalität: schweizerisch

Arbeitserlaubnis: Schweiz, Europäische Union,

Sicherheitsüberprüfung: Ja

Berufserfahrung: 23 Jahr/-re