Management on Demand / Business Development
Tagessatz: sichtbar für Mitglieder
Verfügbarkeit: sichtbar für Mitglieder
Reisebereitschaft: Weltweit
Beruflicher Status: Unternehmer
Beratungserfahrung: 10 Jahr/-re
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch,
Zur Person
He has 15 years of experience in Business Development throughout different products and industries. After finishing his college for engineering and automation he first moved into R&D and afterwards into International Sales. 2004 he was working for a pump and flowmeter manufacturer and took the opportunity of moving to the USA to develop Sales & Business activities in the Americas and to found their USA branch office. In 2009 he moved back to Austria to develop Sales & Business activities in the Asian-Pacific (China, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan) region and parts of Europe. In 2014 he joined a screw jack manufacturer to help them set foot on the international market. After setting up a sales network throughout China and strengthening business in South Korea he established their USA branch office in the beginning of 2016. Since living abroad and the international experience he gained over the years, his language skills, abilities and his outgoing and gregarious nature have been of great value in various international sales and marketing roles. He shows outstanding competencies in marketing communications and lead generation. He combines detailed expertise in coaching techniques and deep know‐how in state-of-the-art project management methods with excellent communication and leadership skills. Additionally, he has profound expertise in managing multinational projects. He holds a Master Degree in Business Management from M/O/T Klagenfurt, Austria (School of Management, Organization and Technology).
International Business Development, Management on Demand (Interimsmanagement), StartUps, Marke, Marketing & Pricing Product to Market Unternehmensorganisation (Wachstum, strategische Ausrichtung) Lean Startup // build-measure-learn Agile Organisationsentwicklung
incite Export Beratung
2018 Österreich
Persönliche Daten
Nationalität: österreichisch
Arbeitserlaubnis: Schweiz, Europäische Union,
Sicherheitsüberprüfung: Ja
Berufserfahrung: 16 Jahr/-re